About Praise Chapel
As our first time guests at Praise Chapel, we welcome you to a joyful Spirit-Filled Church where you can come as you are and enjoy a special program geared for every age group in your family, from nursery thru college ages, to singles groups, women & men's groups and more. Praise Chapel is just 5 minutes from League City, TX so pack up the family this Sunday and make plans to worship with us. We look forward to meeting you and your family. Each month we have special guest speakers, music guests that are nationally known and of course powerful messages weekly by our senior pastor, Roy Love. We invite you to explore our main website and see what Praise Chapel is all about at PraiseChapelHouston.com
Use these links to find out more!
Pastor Roy Love
Senior Pastor Roy Love of Praise Chapel located in Webster, Texas. Known for his down to Earth style and people-first mentality, Pastor has led thousands in their pursuit of living a fulfilling life in Christ. His relevant teachings are easily applicable for your quest to find success in God and life. Over 30 years of pastoring has shaped him into a man who can touch God and reach people. The best way to define Pastor Love is the way God already did…by his name.
Family Ministries
Children's Ministry
Praise Kidz assists parents with every step of a child’s spiritual growth; from knowledge of Christ, to relationship with Christ, to lifelong committed follower of Jesus Christ. It is our mission to help parents build a spiritual foundation that their children will never part from.
Youth Ministry
Here at Power Surge Youth we are believing for God to take us to the next level in our natural and spiritual lives. That next place being a deeper encounter with Him where we are changed from the inside out.
Singles Ministry
We have a monthly gathering for singles to have fun, live life, and grow in GOD together. Come join us for our monthly Saturday gathering as we learn the benefits of our “single” season.
Married Couples
Gerrol and Millicent Johnson currently lead the Married Couples Ministry here at Praise Chapel and pillars of our church family. Gerrol is the Principle at Hartman Middle School and has been a member of Praise Chapel since his youth.
Women's Ministry
Everyone is a diamond in the rough before God adds his finishing touches on us! The Women of Praise Chapel invite you to be a part of Women of Vision (our Ladies’ ministry).
Men's Ministry
The Men of Faith Ministry at Praise Chapel set aside one Saturday a month to have a good country breakfast, hang out and be ministered to in a way only men get. We will also be building up teams to play different sports, go fishing, and do all the things men like to do while being encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ.
Google Reviews
Beautiful music, you can feel the spirit of Jesus all around in this house of worship! Everyone is so friendly and loving. Pastor Love has such a sweet spirit and a huge heart!
Totally faith-oriented. Very charismatic. A true melting pot of America. This should be your place of worship. The be most convenient amazing praise and worship team. See you here Sunday!
A church of relationships rather than rules. We build bridges and tear down barricades. The barriers that separate us should be removed and bridges built for all the other people groups that GOD wants to bring in this church.
Meet Our Ministry Leaders

Roy Love
Senior Pastor

Jeremy Rosas
Pastor's Assistant

Nathan Rocha
Worship Pastor

Pinky Y.
Church Administration